

Viya House

Project Information

The square flat form at the beginning of the design begins to change and curve as the plan increases to the third dimension. As the formation rises, change continues. The shape changes by bending and the mass begins to flow towards an elliptical shape. It finds volume and completes itself. This fiction repeats itself in structural components as well. In the continuity of the general form of the building, clear, simple, self-defining primary geometric forms are not seen. The structure cannot be divided into individual parts. There is continuity brought about by the shifting of different points throughout the structure and moving to another note. The first and the last complement each other. Just as there is no clear boundary between parts of the design, there is no clear cut between fullness and transparency. Transparent areas freeze and turn into closed areas. Textures and colors alternate. There is no certainty between them. Design demands new architectural components, materials, brand new construction systems.