

3D City

Project Information

This idea dates back to the years when the founder of NKY was an architecture student. In those years, urbanism courses were based on two-dimensional cities and solving their problems. The focus was on transportation, industrialization and housing problems brought about by migration from rural areas to cities.

However, cities would have to deal with other problems in the future. Climate crisis, carbon emissions, increasing traffic load. Cities forming heat islands, carbon emissions, plastic waste, individualization pressures, sharing of food and water, shrinking families, housing needs and dense settlement in cities, limited green areas and security problems.

The concept of the three-dimensional city stems from the understanding of solving these problems in the third dimension. The three-dimensional city module considered carries the idea of ​​designing a comfortable, dense living space on overlapping circular rings inside an air-conditioned conical bell jar. The outer shell of the system includes private residential areas that meet the green. The interior includes public areas, shopping malls, schools, sports fields and dense hanging gardens. Transportation within the system is provided by taxi elevators, low-slope ramps, escalators and practical electric vehicles positioned on the vertical axis at the center of the settlement rings. The radii of the overlapping settlement rings are within walking distance of the ends on the surface. There are stations providing drone transportation at the boundaries of the module where it meets the sky. Intercity transportation is provided by underground tube transportation (hayprloop) tunnels.

The settlement provides shelter, social life, education, sports and work opportunities for more than five hundred thousand people in each module. Under the control of artificial intelligence, it produces sustainable solutions for minimum clean energy use, balanced sharing of clean air and water, vertical public transportation, horizontal walking distances, housing, public services, food, water and air quality comfort in transportation. The growth of the city can be achieved by adding settlement modules to the system.

It creates an opportunity for nature to heal itself.