

Craiova Regional Emergency Hospital


Craiova, Romania


Romania Ministry of Health




507.000.000 €


220.000 m2




Architectural Design, Consultancy, Construction, Engineering Services

Craiova REH is a tertiary hospital with 807 beds and 19 operating rooms, and a construction area of ​​approximately 220.000 m2. It is being built on a plot of land surrounded by green nature in the center of Craiova, Romania. The European Investment Bank (EIB) foresees an investment budget of 507 million euros.The architectural design approach adopted a modular, environmentally friendly and evidence-based approach, focusing on patient and staff comfort. The elevated spine located on the axis of the hospital improves accessibility and wayfinding by connecting the entrances, polyclinics and medical areas. In addition to its function of connecting the medical areas to each other, the main spine was also designed as an inner street, a social communication, meeting and morale area. Here, there are defined points that help the hospital visitors to easily find their way, as well as spaces that provide morale and rest, shopping and small coffee breaks for staff and patients. Daylight and air quality are important elements in the holistic design of the hospital and are one of the elements that shape the design. Planning for safety has never compromised its own rules. Craiova REH is home to six “Centers of Excellence” dedicated to Cardiothoracic Diseases, Abdominal Center, Internal Medicine, Mother and Child Center, Oncology Center and Head and Neck Center. Medical planning has been made for the medical areas to be equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment. The hospital has a target of nZEB-10 (Nearly Zero Emission Building); it is planned that the required energy will be provided by energy obtained from renewable sources to a significant extent. All design work of the Regional Hospital of Craiova, Romania was completed as Building Information Modeling (BIM) Lot 300. The entire design works of Craiova REH was completed under the leadership of NKY Architects & Engineers, together with the local firm Popescu Architects.